Tips for Running a Successful Board Meeting

Whether it’s in person or via a virtual meeting, executing an effective board meeting requires careful planning and focus on detail. It’s also crucial to establish an environment that is productive for your meetings that will help your attendees engage in healthy debate and innovative insights.

The board chair (typically the president or the manager of your community association) is the person who will be in charge of the board meetings. Each board member is entitled to express their opinions or to ask questions or raise concerns. Then, vote on the topic. This helps avoid confusion later on the road about what was discussed, voted upon and ratified by the boardroom.

Clearly identify the end goal of each item

Include a brief explanation of the purpose of each item on the agenda. This will help avoid confusion or wasting time. It is helpful to check the box on each item to clarify whether the item is intended to inform, seek information, or reach a conclusion.

Don’t rush to make an important decision.

Many boards feel the need to make decisions quickly to appease upset homeowners or avoid dragging out an issue which could be resolved by itself, but this only sets back your board and community. Rushing decisions are often poorly implemented and don’t have the help of experts.

Make sure you review your meetings at least Once a Year

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