Safe Uploading and Downloading Business Files

Securely uploading and downloading files is essential for businesses.

When sharing massive amounts of data, it’s vital that your file-sharing system is protected from malicious attacks. Malware is often disguised as a benign file that has a harmless extension like.jpeg,.gif or.bmp. This technique allows attackers to bypass security barriers and replace legitimate files with one that appears identical in appearance, but conceals malicious code inside. It is recommended to use a feature to verify the content of uploaded files by their extension.

You can configure your upload system so that it checks the name of the file type as well as extensions to determine whether they match with a known dangerous extension. This is best combined with other security measures. It isn’t enough to protect your business therefore a defense-in depth approach is recommended.

In addition to checking the file’s name and extensions, your uploader must also verify the contents of the files before they are being uploaded. This will keep fake or malicious documents from being uploaded and shared. This is particularly crucial for sensitive files which may contain copyrighted or personal data.

For instance, Mitchell needs feedback from his business partners on the marketing campaign. Mitchell uploads the campaign’s documents to SimplePractice, and shares the link to his business partners. They can access the documents via their tablets, laptops and phones. They can edit the document in real time and monitor changes made synchronized.

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