How to Stop Hackers From Getting Into Facebook Accounts

The first thing you need to do if you think your Facebook account has been compromised is to change your password. Then, if you use Facebook to sign in to apps such as Spotify or Instagram, change those logins as well. This will block the hacker from accessing these third-party services from your hacked Facebook profile.

A compromised Facebook account could provide hackers a treasure trove of personal information. Hackers can make use of this information for nefarious reasons like contacting people or sending fake credit card offers. Hackers can also use compromised accounts to send out spam messages or even post on your timeline (as the case were you who was responsible).

Hackers are most likely to gain access to an account through exploiting a weakness in the Facebook application code. A bug in the iOS Facebook application allows hackers to hijack cookies and steal the “access token” of an iPhone user. These tokens, which are digital keys, give them full control over the user’s Facebook Account, and any other website they access using their Facebook credentials.

A hacker may also gain access to a user’s account through brute force attacks. This method involves figuring out passwords, mostly the most common ones like 123456789 and 1234567890. Hackers gain access to accounts by scanning compromised credentials. There are many free tools to check for stolen data, such as the well-known website HaveIBeenPwned.

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