How to Keep Board Meetings Productive and Engaging

A board meeting is the most high level of discussion and decision-making in a company. These meetings aren’t just used to assess past performance but also to decide on future strategies and plans of action. Depending on the size of the organization these meetings could be private and confidential or open to all observers.

Usually, the management assistant or executive secretary is responsible for preparing the agenda for a board meeting with input from the CEO and chairman. It also includes information on logistics like the time, date and the location of the meeting. It also provides an overview of the minutes from the previous meeting and the agenda items that are pending. It is essential for board members to look over the minutes from the last meeting and then ratify the minutes prior to taking up any new topics.

Reports that are too long as well as other routine tasks can drown a meeting with details. To keep meetings productive and fun you should limit reports to not more than 25 percent of the total meeting duration. Encourage the chairpersons and leaders to provide a summary prior to the meeting, instead of giving an in-depth account.

You can also include a parking area at the end of the agenda for any new issues that are not in the two primary goals for the meeting. This helps avoid getting distracted and wasting precious meeting time. Focusing on the most important issues will maximize the value of every minute spent in the board meeting.

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