Benefits of Document Distribution Software

Document distribution software is an electronic file system that lets you send and receive drawings, documents, and other digital files. The users of this type of software can choose from a wide range of options to locate the best solution for managing documents for their needs, which includes options as easy as enabling team members to attach PDF documents to emails. It can also be as comprehensive as enterprise content management (ECM) systems that integrate records and digital asset management software.

Document distribution software can aid organizations reduce the amount of time employees have to search for relevant information. Without a central file storage system employees are often wasting valuable time switching between systems or searching through various folders and email inboxes for information. This can create delays in the delivery of crucial documents to clients and customers as well as impact revenue.

Most buyers of document sharing software are looking for something more than a basic place to store and share files. They’re looking for a complete document management solution that can simplify processes and deliver faster and more satisfying customer experiences. These include solutions that offer various features to automate workflows and offer secure access and also track the use of the system.

Orangedox is a great choice for businesses looking for a flexible, easily scalable document distribution system. The app helps businesses track every time their Google Drive documents are downloaded or viewed. It gives users the ability to see the document that was downloaded, and by whom, as well as for the duration it was accessed. It can even send notifications via email when a document is opened and was viewed.

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