Avast is Blocking Websites – How to Fix Avast Blocking Websites

Avast is a software designed to protect you computer from viruses and malware. It comes with many modules that work to detect dangerous code and unsafe behavior in files, apps or websites. It then blocks the websites or files when it detects any risk. It also moves any potentially unsafe downloads into quarantine, where they remain off your system until you are able to manually sign off on them as safe.

Sometimes Avast can be too zealous and prevent access to websites which are actually safe. This can be very frustrating and cause issues with certain computer services. It is easy to resolve avast’s problem if it is blocking certain websites.

To overcome this issue to solve this issue, you can add the website that is blocked to the list of exceptions within Avast. This can be done by pressing the menu icon on your PC and selecting settings. Select protection and then core shields. Scroll down until you reach web shield. Click the Add an Exception button on the web shield selection and then enter the URL of the website you want to access.

Avast is a top antivirus program that does a great job of protecting your computer. It comes with a variety of features that work in order to ensure your security, but it can be a bit too aggressive. You can adjust the settings to make it more precise or remove certain features in case you don’t like the way they work.


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